Monday, February 06, 2006


I don't have the means to go to Europe.

Going to Europe to get over my divorce sounds great, but I don’t have that kind of time, nor the money.

You don’t have to go to Europe, that’s what I did because I had an opportunity.  However, I do believe that travel is a good idea.  

After finishing law school, a friend off mine drove cross country, staying with people he knew, never having to stay in a hotel.  Why not use this change in your life to look up somebody you haven’t seen in a while.  

I asked several people that I knew who were going through a divorce; is there any place that you’ve wanted to visit, but have been putting off?  Make the trip, even if you can only spare a weekend.  It doesn’t have to be overseas or even across the country.  It could be a couple hours by car.

Use this radical change in your life as a reason to experience something new.  Indulge yourself.

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