Friday, January 20, 2006
Why write "Backpacking Through Divorce"?
This is a question that I frequently get. During my divorce, in the Spring of 2003, I never set out to write a book. Rather, I wrote a blog of what I was going through. It was a way to keep a journal of my issues; fear, loneliness, depression, sadness. Most of the time, it was simply a way to vent. Eventually, I allowed others to read the blog. I was receiving concerned emails and phone calls, and answering them made me even more depressed, simply because I was reliving all the grief again and again. I made a pact with myself to put it down once and for all for everyone to read. After I returned from my trip overseas, and began to get my life back in order, I heeded suggestions that I turn my blog into a book.
-– S
I'm always happy to answer any questions about my book or how to deal with divorce.
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