Saturday, January 28, 2006
What was it like traveling alone? How did people treat you?
The downside to traveling alone, is that you can only rely on yourself. If you’re feeling tired, lost or lonely – there’s no one to lean on. The upside, you don’t have to look after anyone. You’re responsible only for yourself. So, there’s a balance between being liberated, and be isolated. My mindset at the time was that I absolutely didn’t want to travel with anyone. I felt that I would be a burden to a fellow traveler, and wouldn’t be able to look out for their best interests.
I found that people were very helpful. I constantly asked for directions or where a certain tourist site was, and was never treated rudely. There’s something about going on a journey alone that makes you vulnerable. I guess the people I met picked up on that and did what they could to make my life a little easier. For that, I am eternally grateful.